About us



Net-worth Capital through its strategic alliances is a Financing Consortium that specializes in facilitating funding, developing major projects and supporting sustainable emergence initiatives. 

Through its key funding partnerships, Net-worth Capital showcases a great diversification and combined strong experience from its allies taken individually. This portraits the consortium with a footprint covering the following countries: Canada, London, South Africa, Portugal, Russia, Austria, and Hong Kong.

Furthermore, the consortium taken as a whole depicts a history of international transactions including the works with a growing range of reputable clients from a variety of backgrounds both in the public and private sectors.

What drivers us: We believe in what people make possible.

Our mission is to empower every person, every nation, every community on the planet to achieve more through capacity building and mutual empowerment. Each nation empowered, every project achieved is a milestone to collective welfare and greatness!

Our commitment to partnerships and engagement is based on honest business practices built on our corporate values.

Our Corporate Values are:

  • Honesty & Integrity,
  • Mutual Respect,
  • Commitment,
  • Reliability,
  • Accountability,




Net-worth Capital (NWC) Board of Directors plays a crucial part in providing day to day management of its business for the benefit of its investors and shareholder. Corporate Governance is central to NWC growth and the creation of a sustainable organization. To achieve this, the NWC Board of Directors consists of Executive and non-Executive Directors and independent directors whose participation in NWC provides overall supervision, control, and guidance of the Board and helps the board to be objective in all matters and develops trust in the company, the investors and Shareholders.

Our directing team has close to forty years of experience within international companies belong to (among others) the fields of: 

 - Funding,

 - Infrastructure,

 - Energy,

 - Agribusiness,

 - New Technologies,

 - Commodities,

 - Mining


Our Expert team


An experienced team with a genuine entrepreneurial spirit and cross-functional work experience. Our management team accumulates more than 20 years of experience in regional and international organizations working in the diverse field of expertise such as in corporate banking, project finance, the Energy industry, Petroleum products, commercial due diligence pre-investment or pre-acquisition, etc.

For companies and project owners we help you in structuring the financing of your projects and we finance you.

Our implemention and project management Team


We help investors, project owners and companies to achieve success and sustainable growth.

Project implementation starts from the moment the project is declared effective. Net-worth CAPITAL projects are implemented by the executing agency (members of Net-worth Capital consortium) according to the agreed schedule and procedures.

The supervision of implementation, however, enables the Bank Group to make sure the physical realization of the project is progressing smoothly and in accordance with the implementation schedule and details.

Building together a brighter future...

Net-Worth Capital 

Net-worth Capital > About us


South Africa

140 West Street, Sandton 2191, 12th Floor, Johannesburg, SA

United Kingdom

3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RE, Royaume-Uni

Email: contact@networth-capital.com


Monday to Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM

Recommended to make an Appointment

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